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Wide Legged Forward Bend

Forward fold or forward bending yoga poses are easy and beneficial for our health. We build up a lot of tension in neck, shoulders and the back. Forward bends help relieve this stress. There are many variations in forward bending asanas. One of my favourite in Prasarita Padottanasana also known as Wide Legged Forward Bend.

Steps for Wide Legged Forward Bend:

  1. Keep your legs wide apart.

  2. Raise your hands above your head.

  3. Exhaling, bend forward using your hip joints, hands moving along with your body and head.

  4. Place your palms on the floor.

  5. Hold the position for 10 counts and keep breathing normally.

  6. Inhaling, slowly come back to the starting position.


  • Calms the brain

  • Helps relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue

  • Stimulates the liver and kidneys

  • Stretches hips, calves and hamstrings

  • Relieves tension in the spine and neck


  • Avoid this pose in case of lower back injury, ankle injury, knee injury.

  • Do not practice this pose in case of sciatica, heart problems, hernia, high blood pressure, pregnancy.

  • Do not hold the pose for too long

Feel your blood flow in the opposite direction, feel your muscles relaxed and remember to breathe.

Until then,

Avanti in Namah-state ❤️

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