Camel Pose – Ustrasana is a backward bending asana. It stretches the whole front of the body. This asana is a deep backbend for the upper back which opens up our heart space. This encourages us to live life with an open heart!
Instructions for Camel Pose:
Kneel with your thighs perpendicular to the ground (stand up in vajrasana)
Extend your toes straight back and keep your knees and feet hip distance apart.
Arch your back and smoothly flow backwards.
Take your hands to your heels and hold.
Press your shoulders blade forward and lift your chest up while maintaining the pose.
Hold for 10 breaths and slowly release the pose.
Increases flexibility of the spine
Strengthens your back muscles, thighs and glutes
Opens up chest and shoulders
Stimulates the thyroid
Improves digestion
Increases blood flow to your face
Improves posture
Builds confidence
Avoid if you have neck, back or shoulder injury. Avoid in pregnancy.
Always remember, do not push yourself in any yoga posture. Move slowly and mindfully.
Try this simpler modification of Camel Pose if you are a beginner: Keep your hands on your waist and bend backwards instead of the hand to heel variation.
Note: Get into a forward bending pose after a backward bending pose.
Until then,
Avanti in Namah-state ❤️