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One Legged King Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One Legged King Pigeon Pose) is the king of hip opener poses. This is an intense back-bend pose suitable for advanced practitioners only. Be sure to warm up with other hip opening poses and back-bends before getting into this pose!


  1. Sit in Staff Pose (legs straight in front).

  2. Keep your right leg forward. Fold the knee such that your foot is near your torso.

  3. Slide the left leg backwards, straighten it and rest your thigh on the floor.

  4. Lower your hips to the floor. Your left leg is now extended straight out without any angle.

  5. Bend the back knee towards the ceiling.

  6. Lift your arms up, bending the elbow, hold your feet firmly.

  7. Bring your feet towards your head and hold the pose for 10 counts.

  8. Release your leg and lower it to the ground.

  9. Now repeat on the other side.


Do not practice this pose in case of sacroiliac injury, ankle injury, knee injury or shoulder injury. Avoid in case of pregnancy, high or low blood pressure and migraine.

Preparatory poses:

Cobra pose, Bow pose, Bridge pose, Cat Cow Pose, other thigh and shoulder stretching poses.

One legged king pigeon pose stretches things, groin and abdomen. This chest opening pose also helps improve posture and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Stress, trauma, fear and anxiety gets stored in the hips. This pose opens the hips and releases negative feelings and undesirable energy stored in your system.

Who knew pigeon can be associated with such benefits! Keep practicing!

Until then,

Avanti in Namah-state ❤️

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