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Namah-state of mind

Updated: May 1, 2020

We are always in a state of being, be it happy, pleased, sad, stressed, confused or broke, pretty much in a ‘mental state’.

With all the hustle bustle and the tiny fustle around us, our mind either gets distracted or exhausted by the end of the day, Looking for a way out and struggling to be free we often end up in places where we don’t want to be. When we identify deeply with our mind states, we act out these thoughts through our behaviours.

योग: चित्त-वृत्ति निरोध:

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra narrates the purpose of yoga with this phrase. Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind.

Yoga encourages us to take one step after the other deeper within, to identify ourselves with external aspects of life, to detach from these aspects and to ultimately find inner place of peace.

The word ‘Namah’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘not me’ or ‘it is not about me’. It reflects the notion that we are part of the universe and we can gain peace only by removing the focus from ourselves. The purpose is not to attempt to control the mind, but to allow the mind to rest in its center.

So how about we try to attain a namah-state of mind!

We greet the light of oneness, of union with all and calm the fluctuations of mind.

Until then,

Avanti in namah-state ❤️

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