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Create balance with Ekapadasana

Updated: May 23, 2020

We all learn about balance, may it be balance on a bicycle, balance of ecosystem, work life balance or bank balance. What we do not focus on is balance within ourselves. Balance is the key to everything.

Ekapadasana- Standing One Legged Prayer Pose, aims to develop physical and mental balance. This asana helps in improving focus and awareness. It also strengthens foot muscles, ankles and knee joints.


1. Stand with feet together and arms beside the body.

2. Looking straight, focus on a point to maintain balance.

3. Lift your right leg and place it on your left thigh.

4. Position the heel close to the perineum while keeping the knee pointing out to the side.

5. Beginners can place the leg on the calf.

6. Maintain the balance and join the palms together in front of the chest.

7. Keep your shoulders and elbows relaxed.

8. Hold the pose steady for 5 counts

9. Release your leg and lower it to the ground.

10. Now repeat with the left leg.


Do not bend the leg which is on the ground so as to attain the purpose behind balancing.

Do not place your leg directly on the knee. It will add unwanted pressure on your knee causing knee injuries.

Do not practice if you have knee or ankle injury, high blood pressure, vertigo or slip disc.

Advanced posture:

For practicing the advanced variation of Ekapadasana, you can increase the counts for holding the pose. You can also join your hands behind your back.

Regular practice of Ekapadasana, improves concentration, develops self confidence and helps switch your negative emotions to positive. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Between what we can control and what we cannot, learn to live between effort and surrender.

Until then,

Avanti in Namah-state ❤️

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