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Writer's pictureAvanti

5 Ways to Add Meaning to Your Day

Updated: May 1, 2020

Yoga means understanding your body, understanding yourself. It is not limited to the asanas (exercise) part. Yoga helps us be in the present.

Following a few daily tips will get you towards your daily goals, de-stress and add clarity to your thoughts. Take one day at a time and feel the difference.

1. Think it out

Start your day with the right thoughts.

The moment we wake up, we think. Choosing the right thoughts seems difficult. Choose to start your day with thoughts that open you up rather than stress you out. Give yourself time to think. Choosing the right thoughts won’t be far.

2. Write it out

Writing down those thoughts can be the next step for a meaningful day.

Commit one simple thing at a time and journal it down. Whether it is having a hot cup of coffee or going for a walk, make it tangible.

3. Say it out

We let ourselves get away with talking positive. Statements like ‘I can’t handle this’ or ‘this is impossible’ come naturally to us. Positive self-talk will brighten the day by brining positive energy into your life.

4. Dork it out

Have a sense of humour, it greatly reduces stress. Sing out loud, be free and learn to laugh at yourself. Be a dork and enjoy a dash of silliness.

5. Sweat it out

Physical activity makes you feel better and boosts your energy. Brisk walk, running, yoga, dance, aerobic workout, swimming, sports; choose your style. When your lung and heart health improve, you have more energy for your daily tasks.

Until then,

Avanti in namah-state ❤️

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